Alkowa humoru

Wchodzisz do dosy� obrzernego pomieszczenia �wi�tynnego, mocno w tym miejscu o�wietlonego. To chyba ze wzgl�du na liczne pergaminy oraz obrazy przedstawiaj�ce humorystyczne sceny kultu ADOM'a wywieszone na �cianach komnaty. Nie ma tu �adnego z mnich�w, a to chyba z powodu powagi tego miejsca, a w�a�ciwie jej braku. Podchodzisz do tablicy powieszonej ko�o drzwi wej�ciowych i czytasz :

     Witaj W�drowcze w kolejnym skrzydle �wi�tyni kultu ADOM'a. W tym pomieszczeniu dowiesz si�, �e ADOM to nie tylko religia, ale te� codzienno��. Dzi�ki temu miejscu b�dziesz m�g� si� odpr�y� i pozna� najzabawniejsze historie, jakie spotka�y innych W�drowc�w podczas pobytu w wierze ADOM'a. Uprasza si� jednak o mocne nerwy, szczeg�lnie tych, kt�rzy dog��bnie poznali arkana kultu ADOM'a. Runy pisane s� w j�zyku wyspiarzy, aby odda� lepiej realia kultu, kt�ry od zarania dziej�w by� pisany w tym j�zyku... Po przeczytaniu tych�e run�w czekaj� na Ciebie dwa zakl�cia (EXE) stworzone przez SaDMaN'a specjalnie dla potrzeb Krainy...

Suddenly ancient karmic dragon appears from nowhere!
He steps on the UFO trap.
Suddenly ancient karmic dragon transfrom into blue dragon!
Blue dragon sings :
"I'm blue daba dee dabee day (7x)"
Suddenly you transform into blue thing too!
You start to sing...

Written by Yarpenn


You discover a strange place.
Do you want to enter this place ? (Y/N)
You enter the english class.
Suddenly someone speak to you:
"Ble ble ble ?"
Your answer: "Ble ble ble".
Suddenly your equipment feels heavier.
You have "five" mark {Ch +10} in your inventory.
You are very happy.
Suddenly you feel as you are given a five.

Written by Yarpenn


Suddenly Mr. Kutkowsky the computer teacher starts to explain something but you can't understand anything.
Suddenly Mr. Kutkowsky the computer teacher asks you something.
You feel confused.
You pray for Mr. Kutkowsky the computer teacher death.
Suddenly a piece of celling falls.
It critically hits Mr. Kutkowsky the computer teacher and kill him right way!
All the class chears:
All the class run out of class.
You feel inner peace.

Written by SaDMaN


You see your ex-girlfriend.
You become enraged watching your ex-girlfriend!
You die with heart attack...

Written by Yarpenn


You kick something.
Suddenly you discover that it was your God's altar!
You hear a boomering voice in your mind:
Suddenly surprise critically hits you!
You die...

Written by Yarpenn


Suddenly a titan falls from heaven on you!
You are strained.
Suddenly another titan falls on you!
You are overburdened!
Suddenly a rat falls on you!
You are crashed!
You die...
Oh, I'm sorry - say titan.

Written by Yarpenn


Suddenly your ex-girlfriend appears from nowhere!
You seem to put amulet of cold heart {Ch -12}
You grunt:
"Now I don't love you... you... you... fucken banshee!"
"Now I'm gonna slay ya (and gain experience he...he...)"
You grunt in anger!
Your ex-girlfriend seems to panic!
You splatter ex-girlfriend.
You say:
"Now I'm free as a bird"
Suddenly you feel as you are in jail.
You die...

Written by Yarpenn


Suddenly you feel as you run out of shit.
You die...

Written by SaDMaN


Suddenly you feel as you run out of luck.
Suddenly many IBM manuals appears from nowhere!
Some monsters on the level start to read the books!
Suddenly you feel as you are in Disco, beacuse all the monsters are dancing!

Written by Yarpenn


Suddenly you discover an underground place!
You you want to enter the underground place? (Y/N)
You enter the underground place.
You see multi-colored room.
You see also dj-ratling and some dancing monsters.
Dj ratling squeaks:
"Welcome to ancient discoteque!"
"Some of the worst karmic monsters are dancing here!"
You see a disco queen. She seems to be a female greater ancient karmic wyrm emperor.
She grunts:
Do you want to dance with female greater ancient karmic wyrm emperor? (Y/N)
You start to dance with female greater ancient karmic wyrm emperor.
Suddenly the ground rumbles!
Suddenly everything around you collapses!
You die...

MORAL: Never dance with greater ancient karmic wyrm emperor.

Written by Yarpenn


You're in a strange dungeon.
You put on a strange cloak.
Suddenly You can't see yourself!
Suddenly You hear a trange: *THUMB* *THUMB* *THUMB* *THUMB* *THUMB* *THUMB*.
You see running titan far away from You. It seems that he is running in your direction.
You know that You're invisible and titan can't see You however great fear paralyses You.Titan is quickly getting closer.
Suddenly titan steps on You and turn You into a mangled cheap and it seems that he hadn't even noticed your presence.
You feel as if You have lose one dimension.
You die...

Written by SaDMaN


This level somehow seems to be removed from the rest of the world.
You are standing in front of a strange machine. Do you want to play a game ? (Y/N) [Y]
The strange machine seems to be Your Blessed Computer of Order.
You are having great fun.
You sense presence of a Great Evil.
Suddenly Greater Ancient Sister of Chaos appears from nowhere!
Greater Ancient Sister of Chaos seems to be Your sister.
You sense trouble.
Suddenly You can't see anything!
You hear clicking sounds.
You become depressive.
Great explosion destroys everything!
You die...

Written by Pheagator

A oto zapowiadane czary... U�yj dekodera run�w ZIP i �miej si� do woli...

Humor by SaDMaN 1
Humor by SaDMaN 2

     Wedle �yczenia W�drowc�w, b�d� tutaj te� przedstawianie dziwne i niemal�e �mieszne sytuacje z �ycia ADOM'owc�w. Na pocz�tek sytuacja, kt�ra ostatnio przydarzy�a si� mojemu trollowi elementali�cie:

--- Id� sobie spokojnie i nagle napatoczy�em si� na pu�apk� z w��czni : "You are suddenly hit by a spear! Your armor protects you." Patrz� sobie do ekwipunku, coby zobaczy�, jak� to wspania�� zbroj� mam, kt�ra mnie przed niechybn� �mierci� uchroni�a, patrz� i nic nie widz�. Okaza�o si�, �e w ekwipunku od g�owy a� do narz�dzi nie mam nic. To dopiero zbroja! Niewidzialna :))))

You splatter cute god and kill him! (musia�em, w ciemno�ci biedaka zaatakowa�em)
"Terinyo", a tiny hamlet.
You talk to the tiny girl.
"Hast ya found me puppy?"
Do you want to tell her about it? [y/N]
Do you want to tell her the truth about your vile deed? [y/N]
The tiny girl screams: "*YOU MONSTER!!!*"
Hyhyhy :))
